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Photos in the "Web Use" album are formatted for sharing on your social networks. Photos in the "To Print" album are formatted for print.
Please email me using the "Contact" page, for access to the printable files. They will have the same "IMG.xx" number as the web use photos, for reference.
I can print for you as different sizes, and deliver to school, so you don't have to go to either of the "Wal..." stores & hope they got the colors or cropping right. :)
$5.00 will get you either (1) 8x10, (3) 4x6's or (2) 5x7's .... Larger sizes also available on request.

Web Use

Visitors 159
165 photos
Created 3-May-16
Modified 3-May-16
Web Use

To Print

Visitors 1
0 photos
Created 4-May-16
Modified 4-May-16